Who can develop applications for the iPhone ?

Well, if you are an apple fan you probably already have to right tools for it because all you really need is a Macintosh computer, an Apple Developer ID and some free time to learn.
You will also need some dedication and paitience and your not far from having your own application or game on the app store.
More and more people are getting into that business, from big compenies with an army of developers to indeviduals with an idea that invest time and money developing their ideas into real products.

You have an idea but your not really sure what to do with it.
First, there are some things your can do regardless to your programming / design skill levels. Here's a few suggestions:
  • Check whats out there - search the app store and online for applications that you think might do the same thing you are trying to accomplish, sometimes you can have a great idea and a quick search on the app store will make you feel like "some one already done that" and abandon your idea, sometimes you will find applications that remind you of your idea but you will feel that you can do it better!, and sometimes you will just find an original idea that just might work.
  • Draw a sketch of your idea - A lot of iPhone and iPad applications share the same objects, a quick Google image search for iPhone UI will result many common iPhone components like "Table View", "Picker View", "UIButton", "UIToolBar" and more, you already have the basic tools design, draw it on your notebook and have a clearer view of your idea, this alone will allow you to estimate your project size better. Try to describe the relationship between one screen to another, one button to another.
  • Figure out how your application idea will be helpful to others - This will help you identify the strength and weakness of your idea, making it more solid. if you know how your application help others, you know more of what you want it to do.
  • Ask for others opinion - Getting other people's opinion on your idea or parts of it can give you a good perspective on your idea, while the response may vary from one person to another it will still be better to know what other people think rather then not knowing, learn from other people, they are your clients and users.
Hire a developer or develop on your own? searching for information on that online will bring great results for both approaches, on one hand, many people search for either individuals developers or developing companies to get their idea into the app store, big brands do that, television, restaurants, parents, gaming websites and many more. on the other hand there are many people, in many groups of interests and many countries that want to learn how to create their own application, the online world is full of articles, blogs, tutorials and books on how to get your application out there.

If you are interested in learning how to do it on your own then you better prepare your self to a journey, there are many things to learn, actually, there are so many ways to go in this world that you won't have enough time to learn most of what's out there.
The approaches are endless and the resources are out there for you to learn.

Good Luck!

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